New climbing apparatus will soon be installed in a popular Ilfracombe play area, thanks to a £6,600 funding boost from North Devon Council. Councillors have agreed to allocate the money to Oxford
Park play area, which has recently had fitness equipment removed as it had eroded and is beyond repair. In 2019, there was a
consultation with the children from Ilfracombe Academy who were asked what kind of play equipment they wanted to see in the park. The most popular type voted for was climbing apparatus. North Devon Council leader David Worden said: “We listened to the children’s opinions and are now planning to install brand new climbing apparatus for them. We hope they will enjoy it and get many years of fun from using it. Funding from local developments means that we can put money back into our communities which everyone can benefit from.”
Under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act, contributions can be sought from developers towards the costs of providing extra community and social infrastructure. For more information visit www.northdevon.gov.uk.