We asked for YOUR unsung community heroes in Ilfracombe during the lockdown – and you responded in droves. Here’s just a few of the people YOU have said are making a big difference in our town…
Steve Robinson and his partner Sandra for their twice weekly quiz every Saturday and Wednesday. People from all over the world tune in
Jo Bolton she just got on and sorted face masks and co-ordinated fabric, elastic, people to sew and deliveries without any fuss
Charmain Lovett has as always been her amazing self and yet again gone above and beyond for our community
The George and Dragon’s Jonathan Quinn for carrying on the pub quiz and raising thousands of pounds for local charities
Small Pond Productions for the great entertainment they put on every week with their Virtual Variety shows
All the staff at Edds for delivering farm boxes. Some days my husband works between 12 and 14 hours depending on where he has to deliver.
Jenny Parsons for her contribution and setting up of the “Ilfracombe In Isolation” Facebook page
If you’d like to nominate an unsung hero, drop us an email: theilfracombemagazine@outlook.com